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Benefits for Property Management Companies
Customer (Tenant) and Employee Sensitivity Training
Human Resources Interviewing and Company Benefits Training for Employing Persons with Disabilities
- Interviewing candidates in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Evaluating employees with disabilities
- Fostering an employee-sensitive work environment in compliance with the ADA
Facilities Management Training
Overview of the ADA as it applies to commercial real estate leasing
Tenant fit-out
Technical feasibility
- Applicable state and local building code requirements
Knowledge of the minimum requirements of the law (ADA)
Technical assistance on feasibility to make an older building ADA compliant
ADA Implications of Maintenance Activities
Technical assistance on adjusting door closers (factory-set closers are rarely set at the correct ADA-compliant opening force; plus these closers need regular adjusting)
Technical assistance in identification of readily-achievable barrier removal for common-use areas:
accessible routes
parking garages
entry doors into buildings from street and parking levels
water fountains
vending machine areas
Design Considerations for Common-Use Areas
Technical Assistance in identification of nonstructural barriers
type of floor wax to use
thickness of carpet pile
trash can locations
Policies and Procedures Review and Assessment
Example: Discriminatory practices (e.g., certain doors are for emergency egress only, but these doors may be the most accessible day-to-day egress for persons with disabilities)
Facilities' Evaluation
Ongoing Technical Assistance
Faxing or E-mailing drawings for our review
Phone calls
Information and referral to a wealth of resources (e.g., assistive technology vendors)
Tenant or property manager obligation to retrofit an area
A Diversity Advantage® has the capability of filling any or all of the above needs and services to property management companies. The major advantage of utilizing our services is that our facilities advice offers training and technical assistance in operating and maintaining your facilities on a
day-to-day basis.
In addition, experienced facilities technical assistance and training can offer your company a complete package of customer and employee services and to fulfill the needs and requests from your existing tenants, potential tenants (those with signed leases), and other potential tenants. Furthermore, including people with disabilities for your training and technical assistance is most advantageous as your staff will pose questions that only people with disabilities have the experience in addressing.
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A Diversity Advantage 13900 Mount Oak Court, Mitchellville, MD 20721
Phone: 301/249-4916 Email: